Some Facts and time scale on explorers
In the nineteenth century, the Simpson Desert was inhabited
by 7 Aboriginal tribes, concentrated mainly around the watercourses on the
desert boundaries. In good seasons, they moved into or through the desert
itself, digging permanent wells along their route for survival.
European settlement and a rapid expansion of pastoralism on
the margins of the desert, from 1860 to 1900, resulted in the displacement of
tribes, either by direct occupation of tribal lands or the attraction of tribe
members to pastoral properties. The worst impact, however, was the Europeans'
introduction of influenza which decimated the tribes and depopulated extensive
areas of north and north-eastern South Australia, including the Simpson Desert,
at about the time of the First World War. Finally a severe drought drove the
last desert inhabitants away.
Alfred Allen Simpson |
Photo - Alfred Allen Simpson C.M.G., C.B.E., was the Chairman of Directors of A. Simpson & Son Ltd being a business that his father had started.
The first European to see the grandeur of the Simpson Desert
was the explorer Charles Sturt in 1845, but the desert was not fully recognised
and named until the 1930s when another Australian explorer and geologist, Cecil
Thomas Madigan, named it after Allen Simpson, the sponsor of his subsequent
Notable among the early surveyors was Augustus Poeppel who
located the junction of the borders of Northern Territory, Queensland and South
Australia. The original peg marking Poeppel Corner, as it is still known, was
removed to Adelaide for preservation in 1962 and replaced by a replica. Some of
Poeppel's original mile posts and other historic markers can still be seen in
the Park.
Photo - 1936 - Peter Ains (Left) and Ted Colson (centre) stand with Alice Colson (right) after their return to Blood's Creek following the successful expedition to cross the Simpson Desert
The first successful crossing of the desert is credited to E
A Colson who, with an Aboriginal companion (P. Ains) and 5 camels, travelled
from Mount Etingambra eastwards to Birdsville in 1936. The first motorised
crossing, by geologist Reg Sprigg and his family, was completed in 1962.
Reg Sprigg, his wife Griselda and their children Doug and Margaret (Taking Photo) |
The idea of a Simpson Desert National Park across South
Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory originated with Keith Jarrott
of the Queensland National Parks Association in 1966. Queensland's section was
established first with South Australia's 6,927 square kilometre area officially
proclaimed on 14 December 1967
The Park's name was changed in 1972 to Simpson Desert
Conservation Park, and the Simpson Desert Regional Reserve was established in
Sturt – First
attempt in a crossing was by Sturt during the years 1844 and 45. During Sturts expedition he named the
Barrier Ranges (North of Broken Hill), Strzelecki, Coopers and Eyre Creek. Sturt travelled up along the Eyre Creek and
turned back due to the poor conditions of men and horses.
Leichhardt –
German explorer, Ludwig Leichhardt attempted an East – West crossing and the
party has never been found.
Burke and Wills
– The ill-managed and fatal expedition travelled up the eastern side of the
McKinlay –
During 1861 & 1862, John McKinlay in the Alfred Howitt expedition found
King alive and the remains of Burke, Wills and Grey. McKinlay investigated the Aboriginal story
that Grey was killed by Burke with an axe.
McKinlay can be
considered as the person who opened up the Cooper and Diamantina country to
Major Peter Warburton - lead an expedition around
the top of Lake Eyre and came across a large Northern inlet. The inlet was mistaken as the Barcoo or
Cooper Creek. Later named the
Lewis – John Lewis
during 1874 & 75 mapped most of the Lake Eyre shores and the intersection
of the Macumba River and Kallakoopah Creek.
Lewis described the country as “Quite Worthless”.
In 1872, Lewis accompanied Warburton along the Overland
Telegraph Line to Oakover River in WA.
Lewis also explored the areas along Goyders Lagoon and the
Diamantina. During this trip, he named
the Everard River and the Coongie Lakes.
Hodgkinson –
William Hodgkinson party founded by the Queensland Government explored the
Western side of the Queensland state.
He discovered and named the Mulligan River and Toko Ranges (Formerlly
the Cairns Ranges). Mulligan was the
person that started the Palmer Gold Rush in Queensland 1873.
Henry Barclay
under the direction of Surveyor General Goyder to explore the northern
boundary of the Arunta (Simpson) Desert.
On a second attempt after good rains discovered the Plenty River and
the Marshall.
Augustus Poeppel
– Surveyed the intersection of Qld, SA and NT borders travelling from Haddon
The survey was conducted due to Hodgkinson comment to the
Qld government that if the land was to be used for pastoral tenure, then the
boundary needs to be marked between SA and Qld.
Winnecke |
Winnecke - Charles Winnecke penetrated the Eastern side and much
of the Hay River which he named after Adam Hay of Queensland Palparara
Station. He also named the Field River
after George Field of Queensland Sandringham Station.
Lawrence Wells
was instructed by the Surveyor-Generial Goyder to re-chain a section of the
SA and Qld border from a location near Birdsville to Poeppel’s Corner.
Wells party included Poeppel and Henry Cornish of the
Survey Department, axeman Davies Hanson plus two Afghan Cameleers.
In Jan 1884 the corner post had been relocated 315m east
of it previous position. The
expedition was difficult due to the season conditions, a lack of water and
poor feed for the camels. Hanson
became very ill and nearly died at the corner post.
Poeppel and Wells
– On return to base camp, Poeppel led a new
survey with Wells as second in command and Geologist Harry Woodward to survey
the NT / QLD border from Poeppels corner.
They used native wells known to Wells for water supplies along their
trip. At Field River, Poeppel had the
misfortune of losing part vision in one eye.
At this stage, John Carruthers replaced Poeppel as the Chief Surveyor
until the party reached the Gulf of Carpentaria in Jan 1885.
Wells had a high respect for Poeppel as a competent
surveyor and bushman.
Lindsay |
Linday - David Lindsay mounted a major expedition with assistance
from Sir Thomas Elder of the SA RGSA and the SA Government. Lindsay reached the Queensland boarder from
the Dalhousie side and returned due to the illness of Charles Bagot. Lindsay used a number of local Aboriginals
to locate native water wells enroute.
attempted a South to North crossing from Macumba River via Dalhousie, Mt
Dare, Charlotte Waters, Finke, Arltunga to the Gulf.
Theodore Day
who became the Surveyor General of SA in 1921 travelled from Oodnadatta via
camel via Dalhousie, Blood Creek, Anacoora bore (found bore producing 700 000
gallons a day while Colson in 1936 found a mud hole), through the recently
established Andado station managed by the McDill Borthers up to the Todd
& Hale rivers to Arltunga east of Alice Springs.
Madigan - Began his investigation
into the Arunta Desert (Simpson) for scientific research purposes while at
Adelaide University as a Lecturer (First year of appointment). He quickly identified at the time that no
motorised vehicle was capable of crossing the dunes and that horses and
camels could only cross if water and feed was available during a good
Madigan –
Madigan obtained support for an aerial reconnaissance of the forbidding
borders of the unknown desolate area of the Arunta Desert. Support came from the SA division of the
Royal Geographical Society of Australia (RGSA) and the Royal Australian Air
Madigan named this forbidden area the Simpson Desert after
the industrialist Mr Allen Simpson who at the time was the president of the
RGSA. Simpson was keen for this area
to be explored and a full scientific investigation carried out.
Albert (Ted) Colson
at the age of 55 years and station owner of Blood Creek, Colson along with
Aboriginal stockman Peter Ains travelled along the 26th Parallel
from Mt Etingambra to Birdville and then returned via a more Southerly route.
A total of 900km in 36 days.
Due to being a self educated man with basic writing
skills, his achievement and journals were not given the recognition deserved.
Madigan -
Accepted Allen Simpson’s proposal and £500
to fund a scientific crossing when the conditions were right to support feed
and water. The £500 only covered equipment hire and out of pocket expenses.
Dr Archibald
Grenfell Price (President of RGSA – SA Branch) party setout in search of Leichhardt party around Makerinha waterhole due to
reports of locals finding eight skeletons.
On further investigation found to be calcified tree roots, however in
the area aboriginal bones and teeth, English coins etc were found and could
have belonged to the Leichhardt party.
1939 – Madigan’s Crossing Cairn on Poodnitera Hill L-R Ly-Ly, Nurie,
Fletcher, Madigan, Crocker & Hubbard
Colson – A
second and more elaborate crossing was planned from north to south but never
eventuated due to a lack of suitable resources.
Madigan –
Crossed the Simpson with a party of 9 men and 18 camels. They traversed 560km in 33 days.
Colson - Killed
in a vehicle accident 1950 near Balaklava while heading to Finke to make his first
motorised crossing of the Simpson.
Dr Reg Sprigg and
family, first to make the crossing by car. Basically the French line is the Sprigg’s
route. Sprigg latter spearheaded Oil
exploration in the Cooper Basin with a company named SANTOS.
CGG (Compagnie
Generale De Geophysique) prime contractors for the French Petroleum Co.
forged the French Track and other tracks for oil exploration purposes. However the oil discovery in the Simpson was
of poor quality with no commercial value.
Sprigg – 2nd
Crossing South to North crossing from lake Eyre to Atula by motor verhicle.
Bonython &
McCubbin – Walked with the Comalco Camel from Atula in the North to Mt
Gason in the South.
Bernard Faton –
Frenchman attempted to walk across the Simpson Desert but was never seen
again. Started his crossing from Finke
with 16L of water a some cheese.
1977 to 1985
Denis Bartell –
made several crossings by foot. In
1979, Bartell retraced the Madigan crossing.
Denis also located many of the native water holes used by the
aboriginals and David Lindsay.
In 1955 a Russian immigrant to Australia formed a film company and attempted to cross the Simpson desert in a number of Surplus military vehicles. I do not remember his name, but my mother was a member of the failed expedition. She ended up in Katherine in the Northern Territory with one of the other members, a Czech called Vasily Korpanec. Does anybody know anything about this endeavour?